#!/bin/bash # # zfs This script will mount/umount the zfs filesystems. # # chkconfig: 2345 01 99 # description: This script will mount/umount the zfs filesystems during # system boot/shutdown. Configuration of which filesystems # should be mounted is handled by the zfs 'mountpoint' and # 'canmount' properties. See the zfs(8) man page for details. # It is also responsible for all userspace zfs services. # ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: zfs # Required-Start: $local_fs # Required-Stop: $local_fs # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Should-Stop: # Short-Description: Mount/umount the zfs filesystems # Description: ZFS is an advanced filesystem designed to simplify managing # and protecting your data. This service mounts the ZFS # filesystems and starts all related zfs services. ### END INIT INFO # Source function library. . /lib/lsb/init-functions # Source zfs configuration. [ -f /etc/defaults/zfs ] && . /etc/defaults/zfs RETVAL=0 LOCKFILE=/var/lock/zfs CACHEFILE=/etc/zfs/zpool.cache ZPOOL=/sbin/zpool ZFS=/sbin/zfs [ -x $ZPOOL ] || exit 1 [ -x $ZFS ] || exit 2 start() { [ -f $LOCKFILE ] && return 3 # Requires selinux policy which has not been written. if [ -r "/selinux/enforce" ] && [ "$(cat /selinux/enforce)" = "1" ]; then log_failure_msg "SELinux ZFS policy required" return 4 fi # Delay until all required block devices are present. udevadm settle # Load the zfs module stack /sbin/modprobe zfs # Ensure / exists in /etc/mtab, if not update mtab accordingly. # This should be handled by rc.sysinit but lets be paranoid. awk '$2 == "/" { exit 1 }' /etc/mtab RETVAL=$? if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then /bin/mount -f / fi # Import all pools described by the cache file, and then mount # all filesystem based on their properties. if [ -f $CACHEFILE ] ; then log_begin_msg "Importing ZFS pools" $ZPOOL import -c $CACHEFILE -aN 2>/dev/null log_end_msg $? log_begin_msg "Mounting ZFS filesystems" $ZFS mount -a log_end_msg $? fi touch $LOCKFILE } stop() { [ ! -f $LOCKFILE ] && return 3 log_begin_msg "Unmounting ZFS filesystems" $ZFS umount -a log_end_msg $? rm -f $LOCKFILE } status() { [ ! -f $LOCKFILE ] && return 3 $ZPOOL status && echo && $ZPOOL list } case "$1" in start) start RETVAL=$? ;; stop) stop RETVAL=$? ;; status) status RETVAL=$? ;; restart) stop start ;; condrestart) if [ -f $LOCKFILE ]; then stop start fi ;; *) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart}" ;; esac exit $RETVAL