#!/usr/bin/python2 # # CDDL HEADER START # # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions # and limitations under the License. # # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] # # CDDL HEADER END # import threading import sys import os import time import getopt import locale import shutil import fcntl from bisect import insort try: import pygtk pygtk.require("2.4") except: pass try: import gtk import gtk.glade gtk.gdk.threads_init() except: sys.exit(1) try: import glib import gobject except: sys.exit(1) from os.path import abspath, dirname, join, pardir sys.path.insert(0, join(dirname(__file__), pardir, "plugin")) import plugin sys.path.insert(0, join(dirname(__file__), pardir, "plugin", "rsync")) import rsyncsmf # here we define the path constants so that other modules can use it. # this allows us to get access to the shared files without having to # know the actual location, we just use the location of the current # file and use paths relative to that. SHARED_FILES = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir)) LOCALE_PATH = os.path.join('/usr', 'share', 'locale') RESOURCE_PATH = os.path.join(SHARED_FILES, 'res') # the name of the gettext domain. because we have our translation files # not in a global folder this doesn't really matter, setting it to the # application name is a good idea tough. GETTEXT_DOMAIN = 'time-slider' # set up the glade gettext system and locales gtk.glade.bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_DOMAIN, LOCALE_PATH) gtk.glade.textdomain(GETTEXT_DOMAIN) from . import zfs from .rbac import RBACprofile class RsyncBackup: def __init__(self, mountpoint, rsync_dir = None, fsname= None, snaplabel= None, creationtime= None): if rsync_dir == None: self.__init_from_mp (mountpoint) else: self.rsync_dir = rsync_dir self.mountpoint = mountpoint self.fsname = fsname self.snaplabel = snaplabel self.creationtime = creationtime try: tm = time.localtime(self.creationtime) self.creationtime_str = str(time.strftime ("%c", tm), locale.getpreferredencoding()).encode('utf-8') except: self.creationtime_str = time.ctime(self.creationtime) fs = zfs.Filesystem (self.fsname) self.zfs_mountpoint = fs.get_mountpoint () def __init_from_mp (self, mountpoint): self.rsyncsmf = rsyncsmf.RsyncSMF("%s:rsync" %(plugin.PLUGINBASEFMRI)) rsyncBaseDir = self.rsyncsmf.get_target_dir() sys,nodeName,rel,ver,arch = os.uname() self.rsync_dir = os.path.join(rsyncBaseDir, rsyncsmf.RSYNCDIRPREFIX, nodeName) self.mountpoint = mountpoint s1 = mountpoint.split ("%s/" % self.rsync_dir, 1) s2 = s1[1].split ("/%s" % rsyncsmf.RSYNCDIRSUFFIX, 1) s3 = s2[1].split ('/',2) self.fsname = s2[0] self.snaplabel = s3[1] self.creationtime = os.stat(mountpoint).st_mtime def __str__(self): ret = "self.rsync_dir = %s\n \ self.mountpoint = %s\n \ self.fsname = %s\n \ self.snaplabel = %s\n" % (self.rsync_dir, self.mountpoint, self.fsname, self.snaplabel) return ret def exists(self): return os.path.exists(self.mountpoint) def destroy(self): lockFileDir = os.path.join(self.rsync_dir, self.fsname, rsyncsmf.RSYNCLOCKSUFFIX) if not os.path.exists(lockFileDir): os.makedirs(lockFileDir, 0o755) lockFile = os.path.join(lockFileDir, self.snaplabel + ".lock") try: lockFp = open(lockFile, 'w') fcntl.flock(lockFp, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError: raise RuntimeError("couldn't delete %s, already used by another process" % self.mountpoint) return trashDir = os.path.join(self.rsync_dir, self.fsname, rsyncsmf.RSYNCTRASHSUFFIX) if not os.path.exists(trashDir): os.makedirs(trashDir, 0o755) backupTrashDir = os.path.join (self.rsync_dir, self.fsname, rsyncsmf.RSYNCTRASHSUFFIX, self.snaplabel) # move then delete os.rename (self.mountpoint, backupTrashDir) shutil.rmtree (backupTrashDir) log = "%s/%s/%s/%s.log" % (self.rsync_dir, self.fsname, rsyncsmf.RSYNCLOGSUFFIX, self.snaplabel) if os.path.exists (log): os.unlink (log) lockFp.close() os.unlink(lockFile) class DeleteSnapManager: def __init__(self, snapshots = None): self.xml = gtk.glade.XML("%s/../../glade/time-slider-delete.glade" \ % (os.path.dirname(__file__))) self.backuptodelete = [] self.shortcircuit = [] maindialog = self.xml.get_widget("time-slider-delete") self.pulsedialog = self.xml.get_widget("pulsedialog") self.pulsedialog.set_transient_for(maindialog) self.datasets = zfs.Datasets() if snapshots: maindialog.hide() self.shortcircuit = snapshots else: glib.idle_add(self.__init_scan) self.progressdialog = self.xml.get_widget("deletingdialog") self.progressdialog.set_transient_for(maindialog) self.progressbar = self.xml.get_widget("deletingprogress") # signal dictionary dic = {"on_closebutton_clicked" : gtk.main_quit, "on_window_delete_event" : gtk.main_quit, "on_snapshotmanager_delete_event" : gtk.main_quit, "on_fsfilterentry_changed" : self.__on_filterentry_changed, "on_schedfilterentry_changed" : self.__on_filterentry_changed, "on_typefiltercombo_changed" : self.__on_filterentry_changed, "on_selectbutton_clicked" : self.__on_selectbutton_clicked, "on_deselectbutton_clicked" : self.__on_deselectbutton_clicked, "on_deletebutton_clicked" : self.__on_deletebutton_clicked, "on_confirmcancel_clicked" : self.__on_confirmcancel_clicked, "on_confirmdelete_clicked" : self.__on_confirmdelete_clicked, "on_errordialog_response" : self.__on_errordialog_response} self.xml.signal_autoconnect(dic) def initialise_view(self): if len(self.shortcircuit) == 0: # Set TreeViews self.liststorefs = gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, str, str, int, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT) list_filter = self.liststorefs.filter_new() list_sort = gtk.TreeModelSort(list_filter) list_sort.set_sort_column_id(1, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) self.snaptreeview = self.xml.get_widget("snaplist") self.snaptreeview.set_model(self.liststorefs) self.snaptreeview.get_selection().set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE) cell0 = gtk.CellRendererText() cell1 = gtk.CellRendererText() cell2 = gtk.CellRendererText() cell3 = gtk.CellRendererText() cell4 = gtk.CellRendererText() cell5 = gtk.CellRendererText() typecol = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Type"), cell0, text = 0) typecol.set_sort_column_id(0) typecol.set_resizable(True) typecol.connect("clicked", self.__on_treeviewcol_clicked, 0) self.snaptreeview.append_column(typecol) mountptcol = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Mount Point"), cell1, text = 1) mountptcol.set_sort_column_id(1) mountptcol.set_resizable(True) mountptcol.connect("clicked", self.__on_treeviewcol_clicked, 1) self.snaptreeview.append_column(mountptcol) fsnamecol = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("File System Name"), cell2, text = 2) fsnamecol.set_sort_column_id(2) fsnamecol.set_resizable(True) fsnamecol.connect("clicked", self.__on_treeviewcol_clicked, 2) self.snaptreeview.append_column(fsnamecol) snaplabelcol = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Snapshot Name"), cell3, text = 3) snaplabelcol.set_sort_column_id(3) snaplabelcol.set_resizable(True) snaplabelcol.connect("clicked", self.__on_treeviewcol_clicked, 3) self.snaptreeview.append_column(snaplabelcol) cell4.props.xalign = 1.0 creationcol = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Creation Time"), cell4, text = 4) creationcol.set_sort_column_id(5) creationcol.set_resizable(True) creationcol.connect("clicked", self.__on_treeviewcol_clicked, 5) self.snaptreeview.append_column(creationcol) # Note to developers. # The second element is for internal matching and should not # be i18ned under any circumstances. typestore = gtk.ListStore(str, str) typestore.append([_("All"), "All"]) typestore.append([_("Backups"), "Backup"]) typestore.append([_("Snapshots"), "Snapshot"]) self.typefiltercombo = self.xml.get_widget("typefiltercombo") self.typefiltercombo.set_model(typestore) typefiltercomboCell = gtk.CellRendererText() self.typefiltercombo.pack_start(typefiltercomboCell, True) self.typefiltercombo.add_attribute(typefiltercomboCell, 'text',0) # Note to developers. # The second element is for internal matching and should not # be i18ned under any circumstances. fsstore = gtk.ListStore(str, str) fslist = self.datasets.list_filesystems() fsstore.append([_("All"), None]) for fsname,fsmount in fslist: fsstore.append([fsname, fsname]) self.fsfilterentry = self.xml.get_widget("fsfilterentry") self.fsfilterentry.set_model(fsstore) self.fsfilterentry.set_text_column(0) fsfilterentryCell = gtk.CellRendererText() self.fsfilterentry.pack_start(fsfilterentryCell) schedstore = gtk.ListStore(str, str) # Note to developers. # The second element is for internal matching and should not # be i18ned under any circumstances. schedstore.append([_("All"), None]) schedstore.append([_("Monthly"), "monthly"]) schedstore.append([_("Weekly"), "weekly"]) schedstore.append([_("Daily"), "daily"]) schedstore.append([_("Hourly"), "hourly"]) schedstore.append([_("1/4 Hourly"), "frequent"]) self.schedfilterentry = self.xml.get_widget("schedfilterentry") self.schedfilterentry.set_model(schedstore) self.schedfilterentry.set_text_column(0) schedentryCell = gtk.CellRendererText() self.schedfilterentry.pack_start(schedentryCell) self.schedfilterentry.set_active(0) self.fsfilterentry.set_active(0) self.typefiltercombo.set_active(0) else: cloned = self.datasets.list_cloned_snapshots() num_snap = 0 num_rsync = 0 for snapname in self.shortcircuit: # Filter out snapshots that are the root # of cloned filesystems or volumes try: cloned.index(snapname) dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(None, 0, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, _("Snapshot can not be deleted")) text = _("%s has one or more dependent clones " "and will not be deleted. To delete " "this snapshot, first delete all " "datasets and snapshots cloned from " "this snapshot.") \ % snapname dialog.format_secondary_text(text) dialog.run() sys.exit(1) except ValueError: path = os.path.abspath (snapname) if not os.path.exists (path): snapshot = zfs.Snapshot(snapname) self.backuptodelete.append(snapshot) num_snap += 1 else: self.backuptodelete.append(RsyncBackup (snapname)) num_rsync += 1 confirm = self.xml.get_widget("confirmdialog") summary = self.xml.get_widget("summarylabel") total = len(self.backuptodelete) text = "" if num_rsync != 0 : if num_rsync == 1: text = _("1 external backup will be deleted.") else: text = _("%d external backups will be deleted.") % num_rsync if num_snap != 0 : if len(text) != 0: text += "\n" if num_snap == 1: text += _("1 snapshot will be deleted.") else: text += _("%d snapshots will be deleted.") % num_snap summary.set_text(text ) response = confirm.run() if response != 2: sys.exit(0) else: # Create the thread in an idle loop in order to # avoid deadlock inside gtk. glib.idle_add(self.__init_delete) return False def __on_treeviewcol_clicked(self, widget, searchcol): self.snaptreeview.set_search_column(searchcol) def __filter_snapshot_list(self, list, filesys = None, snap = None, btype = None): if filesys == None and snap == None and btype == None: return list fssublist = [] if filesys != None: for snapshot in list: if snapshot.fsname.find(filesys) != -1: fssublist.append(snapshot) else: fssublist = list snaplist = [] if snap != None: for snapshot in fssublist: if snapshot.snaplabel.find(snap) != -1: snaplist.append(snapshot) else: snaplist = fssublist typelist = [] if btype != None and btype != "All": for item in snaplist: if btype == "Backup": if isinstance(item, RsyncBackup): typelist.append (item) else: if isinstance(item, zfs.Snapshot): typelist.append (item) else: typelist = snaplist return typelist def __on_filterentry_changed(self, widget): # Get the filesystem filter value iter = self.fsfilterentry.get_active_iter() if iter == None: filesys = self.fsfilterentry.get_active_text() else: model = self.fsfilterentry.get_model() filesys = model.get(iter, 1)[0] # Get the snapshot name filter value iter = self.schedfilterentry.get_active_iter() if iter == None: snap = self.schedfilterentry.get_active_text() else: model = self.schedfilterentry.get_model() snap = model.get(iter, 1)[0] # Get the type filter value iter = self.typefiltercombo.get_active_iter() if iter == None: type = "All" else: model = self.typefiltercombo.get_model() type = model.get(iter, 1)[0] self.liststorefs.clear() newlist = self.__filter_snapshot_list(self.snapscanner.snapshots, filesys, snap, type) for snapshot in newlist: try: tm = time.localtime(snapshot.get_creation_time()) t = str(time.strftime ("%c", tm), locale.getpreferredencoding()).encode('utf-8') except: t = time.ctime(snapshot.get_creation_time()) try: mount_point = self.snapscanner.mounts[snapshot.fsname] if (mount_point == "legacy"): mount_point = _("Legacy") self.liststorefs.append([ _("Snapshot"), mount_point, snapshot.fsname, snapshot.snaplabel, t, snapshot.get_creation_time(), snapshot]) except KeyError: continue # This will catch exceptions from things we ignore # such as dump as swap volumes and skip over them. # add rsync backups newlist = self.__filter_snapshot_list(self.snapscanner.rsynced_backups, filesys, snap, type) for backup in newlist: self.liststorefs.append([_("Backup"), backup.zfs_mountpoint, backup.fsname, backup.snaplabel, backup.creationtime_str, backup.creationtime, backup]) def __on_selectbutton_clicked(self, widget): selection = self.snaptreeview.get_selection() selection.select_all() return def __on_deselectbutton_clicked(self, widget): selection = self.snaptreeview.get_selection() selection.unselect_all() return def __on_deletebutton_clicked(self, widget): self.backuptodelete = [] selection = self.snaptreeview.get_selection() selection.selected_foreach(self.__add_selection) total = len(self.backuptodelete) if total <= 0: return confirm = self.xml.get_widget("confirmdialog") summary = self.xml.get_widget("summarylabel") num_snap = 0 num_rsync = 0 for item in self.backuptodelete: if isinstance (item, RsyncBackup): num_rsync+=1 else: num_snap+=1 str = "" if num_rsync != 0 : if num_rsync == 1: str = _("1 external backup will be deleted.") else: str = _("%d external backups will be deleted.") % num_rsync if num_snap != 0 : if len(str) != 0: str += "\n" if num_snap == 1: str += _("1 snapshot will be deleted.") else: str += _("%d snapshots will be deleted.") % num_snap summary.set_text(str) response = confirm.run() if response != 2: return else: glib.idle_add(self.__init_delete) return def __init_scan(self): self.snapscanner = ScanSnapshots() self.pulsedialog.show() self.snapscanner.start() glib.timeout_add(100, self.__monitor_scan) return False def __init_delete(self): self.snapdeleter = DeleteSnapshots(self.backuptodelete) # If there's more than a few snapshots, pop up # a progress bar. if len(self.backuptodelete) > 3: self.progressbar.set_fraction(0.0) self.progressdialog.show() self.snapdeleter.start() glib.timeout_add(300, self.__monitor_deletion) return False def __monitor_scan(self): if self.snapscanner.isAlive() == True: self.xml.get_widget("pulsebar").pulse() return True else: self.pulsedialog.hide() if self.snapscanner.errors: details = "" dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(None, 0, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, _("Some snapshots could not be read")) dialog.connect("response", self.__on_errordialog_response) for error in self.snapscanner.errors: details = details + error dialog.format_secondary_text(details) dialog.show() self.__on_filterentry_changed(None) return False def __monitor_deletion(self): if self.snapdeleter.isAlive() == True: self.progressbar.set_fraction(self.snapdeleter.progress) return True else: self.progressdialog.hide() self.progressbar.set_fraction(1.0) self.progressdialog.hide() if self.snapdeleter.errors: details = "" dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(None, 0, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, _("Some snapshots could not be deleted")) dialog.connect("response", self.__on_errordialog_response) for error in self.snapdeleter.errors: details = details + error dialog.format_secondary_text(details) dialog.show() # If we didn't shortcircut straight to the delete confirmation # dialog then the main dialog is visible so we rebuild the list # view. if len(self.shortcircuit) == 0: self.__refresh_view() else: gtk.main_quit() return False def __refresh_view(self): self.liststorefs.clear() glib.idle_add(self.__init_scan) self.backuptodelete = [] def __add_selection(self, treemodel, path, iter): snapshot = treemodel.get(iter, 6)[0] self.backuptodelete.append(snapshot) def __on_confirmcancel_clicked(self, widget): widget.get_toplevel().hide() widget.get_toplevel().response(1) def __on_confirmdelete_clicked(self, widget): widget.get_toplevel().hide() widget.get_toplevel().response(2) def __on_errordialog_response(self, widget, responseid): widget.hide() class ScanSnapshots(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.errors = [] self.datasets = zfs.Datasets() self.snapshots = [] self.rsynced_fs = [] self.rsynced_backups = [] def run(self): self.mounts = self.__get_fs_mountpoints() self.rsyncsmf = rsyncsmf.RsyncSMF("%s:rsync" %(plugin.PLUGINBASEFMRI)) self.__get_rsync_backups () self.rescan() def __get_rsync_backups (self): # get rsync backup dir self.rsyncsmf = rsyncsmf.RsyncSMF("%s:rsync" %(plugin.PLUGINBASEFMRI)) rsyncBaseDir = self.rsyncsmf.get_target_dir() sys,nodeName,rel,ver,arch = os.uname() self.rsyncDir = os.path.join(rsyncBaseDir, rsyncsmf.RSYNCDIRPREFIX, nodeName) if not os.path.exists(self.rsyncDir): return rootBackupDirs = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.rsyncDir): if '.time-slider' in dirs: dirs.remove('.time-slider') backupDir = os.path.join(root, rsyncsmf.RSYNCDIRSUFFIX) if os.path.exists(backupDir): insort(rootBackupDirs, os.path.abspath(backupDir)) for dirName in rootBackupDirs: os.chdir(dirName) for d in os.listdir(dirName): if os.path.isdir(d) and not os.path.islink(d): s1 = dirName.split ("%s/" % self.rsyncDir, 1) s2 = s1[1].split ("/%s" % rsyncsmf.RSYNCDIRSUFFIX, 1) fs = s2[0] rb = RsyncBackup ("%s/%s" %(dirName, d), self.rsyncDir, fs, d, os.stat(d).st_mtime) self.rsynced_backups.append (rb) def __get_fs_mountpoints(self): """Returns a dictionary mapping: {filesystem : mountpoint}""" result = {} for filesys,mountpoint in self.datasets.list_filesystems(): result[filesys] = mountpoint return result def rescan(self): cloned = self.datasets.list_cloned_snapshots() self.snapshots = [] snaplist = self.datasets.list_snapshots() for snapname,snaptime in snaplist: # Filter out snapshots that are the root # of cloned filesystems or volumes try: cloned.index(snapname) except ValueError: snapshot = zfs.Snapshot(snapname, snaptime) self.snapshots.append(snapshot) class DeleteSnapshots(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, snapshots): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.backuptodelete = snapshots self.started = False self.completed = False self.progress = 0.0 self.errors = [] def run(self): deleted = 0 self.started = True total = len(self.backuptodelete) for backup in self.backuptodelete: # The backup could have expired and been automatically # destroyed since the user selected it. Check that it # still exists before attempting to delete it. If it # doesn't exist just silently ignore it. if backup.exists(): try: backup.destroy () except RuntimeError as inst: self.errors.append(str(inst)) deleted += 1 self.progress = deleted / (total * 1.0) self.completed = True def main(argv): try: opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", []) except getopt.GetoptError: sys.exit(2) rbacp = RBACprofile() if os.geteuid() == 0: if len(args) > 0: manager = DeleteSnapManager(args) else: manager = DeleteSnapManager() gtk.gdk.threads_enter() glib.idle_add(manager.initialise_view) gtk.main() gtk.gdk.threads_leave() elif os.path.exists(argv) and os.path.exists("/usr/bin/gksu"): # Run via gksu, which will prompt for the root password newargs = ["gksu", argv] for arg in args: newargs.append(arg) os.execv("/usr/bin/gksu", newargs); # Shouldn't reach this point sys.exit(1) else: dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(None, 0, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, _("Insufficient Priviliges")) dialog.format_secondary_text(_("Snapshot deletion requires " "administrative privileges to run. " "You have not been assigned the necessary" "administrative priviliges." "\n\nConsult your system administrator ")) dialog.run() print(argv + "is not a valid executable path") sys.exit(1)