# (c) 2007 by Ralf Ertzinger # licensed under GNU GPL v2 package videosite::Base; use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; use Data::Dumper; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {'_DEBUG' => 0, '_OUT' => sub {printf(@_)}, '_CONNECTORS' => sub { return ({ -name => 'direct', -schemas => {} }) }, '_CONNECTOR' => undef, }; bless($self, $class); $self->_prepare_parameters(); return $self; } sub error { my $self = shift; my @data = @_; $data[0] = "(" . ref($self) . ") " . $data[0]; $self->{'_OUT'}(@data); } sub debug { my $self = shift; my @data = @_; $data[0] = "DEBUG: " . $data[0]; if ($self->{'_DEBUG'} != 0) {$self->error(@data)}; } sub mergeconfig { my $self = shift; my $c = shift; my $o; return $self->{'_CONFIG'} unless defined($c); foreach $o (keys(%{$c->{'option'}})) { if (exists($self->{'_CONFIG'}->{'option'}->{$o})) { $self->{'_CONFIG'}->{'option'}->{$o}->{'content'} = $c->{'option'}->{$o}->{'content'}; } } return $self->{'_CONFIG'}; } sub _prepare_parameters { my $self = shift; my $p; $self->{'_CONFIG'} = {'option' => {'enabled' => {'content' => '1'}}}; foreach $p (keys(%{$self->{'_PARAMS'}})) { $self->{'_CONFIG'}->{'option'}->{$p}->{'content'} = $self->{'_PARAMS'}->{$p}->[0]; } } sub _getval { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; my $val; $val = $self->{'_CONFIG'}->{'option'}->{$key}->{'content'}; $self->debug('Returning %s=%s', $key, $val); return $val; } sub setval { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; my $val = shift; if (exists($self->{'_CONFIG'}->{'option'}->{$key})) { $self->{'_CONFIG'}->{'option'}->{$key}->{'content'} = $val; } else { $self->error('Module %s does not have a parameter named %s', $self->{'NAME'}, $key); } } sub setio { my $self = shift; my $io = shift; $self->{'_OUT'} = $io; } sub getconfstr { my $self = shift; my $s = 'Options for ' . $self->{'NAME'} . ":\n"; my $k; my $p; foreach $k (keys(%{$self->{'_CONFIG'}->{'option'}})) { $p = $self->{'_CONFIG'}->{'option'}->{$k}->{'content'}; $p =~ s/%/%%/g; $s .= sprintf(" %s: %s", $k, $p); if ($self->{'_CONFIG'}->{'option'}->{$k}->{'content'} eq $self->{'_PARAMS'}->{$k}->[0]) { $s .= " (default)\n"; } else { $s .= "\n"; } } return $s; } # Return a list of the parameters supported by the module # Does not return the 'enabled' parameter sub getparamlist { my $self = shift; my $word = shift; return grep {$_ ne 'enabled' && /^$word/} keys %{$self->{'_PARAMS'}}; } # Return a list of valid parameter values, if the parameter has # such a list. sub getparamvalues { my $self = shift; my $param = shift; my $word = shift; unless(exists($self->{'_PARAMS'}->{$param}->[2])) { return (); } else { return grep {/^$word/} keys %{$self->{'_PARAMS'}->{$param}->[2]}; } } sub gethelpstr { my $self = shift; my $s = 'Help for ' . $self->{'NAME'} . ":\n"; my $k; my $p; if (exists($self->{'DESC'})) { $s .= "Description:\n " . $self->{'DESC'}; } $s .= " Options:\n"; foreach $k (keys(%{$self->{'_CONFIG'}->{'option'}})) { $p = $self->{'_PARAMS'}->{$k}->[0]; $p =~ s/%/%%/g; if (exists($self->{'_PARAMS'}->{$k}->[2])) { # The parameter has a list of allowed values. Add the keys and their help $s .= sprintf(" %s: %s (default: %s)\n", $k, $self->{'_PARAMS'}->{$k}->[1], $p); foreach (sort keys(%{$self->{'_PARAMS'}->{$k}->[2]})) { $s .= sprintf(" %s: %s\n", $_, $self->{'_PARAMS'}->{$k}->[2]->{$_}); } } else { # The parameter just has a default value and a help text $s .= sprintf(" %s: %s (default: %s)\n", $k, $self->{'_PARAMS'}->{$k}->[1], $p); } } return $s; } sub setdebug { my $self = shift; $self->{'_DEBUG'} = shift; } sub ua { my $self = shift; my $ua; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new('agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0', 'cookie_jar' => HTTP::Cookies->new); # Remove a currently defined HTTPS proxy. See below for a longer explanation. delete($ENV{'HTTPS_PROXY'}); if (defined($self->{'_CONNECTOR'})) { my $schemas = $self->{'_CONNECTOR'}->{-schemas}; foreach (keys(%{$schemas})) { $self->debug("Adding schema %s with proxy %s", $_, $schemas->{$_}); if ($_ eq 'https') { # OK, so here's the gist. # # The usual way of reqesting an HTTPS URL through a proxy is # to connect to the proxy server, issue a CONNECT request to # create a channel to the web server and start an SSL session over # this channel, so there is an end-to-end connection between # the client and the server. # # Setting a proxy for the https schema in LWP WILL NOT ACCOMPLISH # THIS. # # LWP will connect to the proxy server, and issue a standard GET # request for the target URL, which most proxy servers will refuse # to get. # # The way to use a proxy server is to set some environment variables # and let the underlying Crypt::SSLeay module do the rest. # # This is positively appaling. $ENV{'HTTPS_PROXY'} = $schemas->{$_}; } else { $ua->proxy($_, $schemas->{$_}); } } } print Dumper($ua); return $ua; } sub decode_hexurl { my $self = shift; my $d = shift; $d =~ s/%([[:xdigit:]]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge; return $d; } sub decode_querystring { my $self = shift; return { map { split /=/, $_, 2; } split /&/, shift }; } sub connectors { my $self = shift; return $self->{'_CONNECTORS'}->(); } sub selectconn { my $self = shift; $self->{'_CONNECTOR'} = shift; } sub setconn { my $self = shift; $self->{'_CONNECTORS'} = shift; } 1;