#################################################################### # # This file was generated using Parse::Yapp version 1.05. # # Don't edit this file, use source file instead. # # ANY CHANGE MADE HERE WILL BE LOST ! # #################################################################### package videosite::JSONNospace; use vars qw ( @ISA ); use strict; @ISA= qw ( Parse::Yapp::Driver ); #Included Parse/Yapp/Driver.pm file---------------------------------------- { # # Module Parse::Yapp::Driver # # This module is part of the Parse::Yapp package available on your # nearest CPAN # # Any use of this module in a standalone parser make the included # text under the same copyright as the Parse::Yapp module itself. # # This notice should remain unchanged. # # (c) Copyright 1998-2001 Francois Desarmenien, all rights reserved. # (see the pod text in Parse::Yapp module for use and distribution rights) # package Parse::Yapp::Driver; require 5.004; use strict; use vars qw ( $VERSION $COMPATIBLE $FILENAME ); $VERSION = '1.05'; $COMPATIBLE = '0.07'; $FILENAME=__FILE__; use Carp; #Known parameters, all starting with YY (leading YY will be discarded) my(%params)=(YYLEX => 'CODE', 'YYERROR' => 'CODE', YYVERSION => '', YYRULES => 'ARRAY', YYSTATES => 'ARRAY', YYDEBUG => ''); #Mandatory parameters my(@params)=('LEX','RULES','STATES'); sub new { my($class)=shift; my($errst,$nberr,$token,$value,$check,$dotpos); my($self)={ ERROR => \&_Error, ERRST => \$errst, NBERR => \$nberr, TOKEN => \$token, VALUE => \$value, DOTPOS => \$dotpos, STACK => [], DEBUG => 0, CHECK => \$check }; _CheckParams( [], \%params, \@_, $self ); exists($$self{VERSION}) and $$self{VERSION} < $COMPATIBLE and croak "Yapp driver version $VERSION ". "incompatible with version $$self{VERSION}:\n". "Please recompile parser module."; ref($class) and $class=ref($class); bless($self,$class); } sub YYParse { my($self)=shift; my($retval); _CheckParams( \@params, \%params, \@_, $self ); if($$self{DEBUG}) { _DBLoad(); $retval = eval '$self->_DBParse()';#Do not create stab entry on compile $@ and die $@; } else { $retval = $self->_Parse(); } $retval } sub YYData { my($self)=shift; exists($$self{USER}) or $$self{USER}={}; $$self{USER}; } sub YYErrok { my($self)=shift; ${$$self{ERRST}}=0; undef; } sub YYNberr { my($self)=shift; ${$$self{NBERR}}; } sub YYRecovering { my($self)=shift; ${$$self{ERRST}} != 0; } sub YYAbort { my($self)=shift; ${$$self{CHECK}}='ABORT'; undef; } sub YYAccept { my($self)=shift; ${$$self{CHECK}}='ACCEPT'; undef; } sub YYError { my($self)=shift; ${$$self{CHECK}}='ERROR'; undef; } sub YYSemval { my($self)=shift; my($index)= $_[0] - ${$$self{DOTPOS}} - 1; $index < 0 and -$index <= @{$$self{STACK}} and return $$self{STACK}[$index][1]; undef; #Invalid index } sub YYCurtok { my($self)=shift; @_ and ${$$self{TOKEN}}=$_[0]; ${$$self{TOKEN}}; } sub YYCurval { my($self)=shift; @_ and ${$$self{VALUE}}=$_[0]; ${$$self{VALUE}}; } sub YYExpect { my($self)=shift; keys %{$self->{STATES}[$self->{STACK}[-1][0]]{ACTIONS}} } sub YYLexer { my($self)=shift; $$self{LEX}; } ################# # Private stuff # ################# sub _CheckParams { my($mandatory,$checklist,$inarray,$outhash)=@_; my($prm,$value); my($prmlst)={}; while(($prm,$value)=splice(@$inarray,0,2)) { $prm=uc($prm); exists($$checklist{$prm}) or croak("Unknow parameter '$prm'"); ref($value) eq $$checklist{$prm} or croak("Invalid value for parameter '$prm'"); $prm=unpack('@2A*',$prm); $$outhash{$prm}=$value; } for (@$mandatory) { exists($$outhash{$_}) or croak("Missing mandatory parameter '".lc($_)."'"); } } sub _Error { print "Parse error.\n"; } sub _DBLoad { { no strict 'refs'; exists(${__PACKAGE__.'::'}{_DBParse})#Already loaded ? and return; } my($fname)=__FILE__; my(@drv); open(DRV,"<$fname") or die "Report this as a BUG: Cannot open $fname"; while() { /^\s*sub\s+_Parse\s*{\s*$/ .. /^\s*}\s*#\s*_Parse\s*$/ and do { s/^#DBG>//; push(@drv,$_); } } close(DRV); $drv[0]=~s/_P/_DBP/; eval join('',@drv); } #Note that for loading debugging version of the driver, #this file will be parsed from 'sub _Parse' up to '}#_Parse' inclusive. #So, DO NOT remove comment at end of sub !!! sub _Parse { my($self)=shift; my($rules,$states,$lex,$error) = @$self{ 'RULES', 'STATES', 'LEX', 'ERROR' }; my($errstatus,$nberror,$token,$value,$stack,$check,$dotpos) = @$self{ 'ERRST', 'NBERR', 'TOKEN', 'VALUE', 'STACK', 'CHECK', 'DOTPOS' }; #DBG> my($debug)=$$self{DEBUG}; #DBG> my($dbgerror)=0; #DBG> my($ShowCurToken) = sub { #DBG> my($tok)='>'; #DBG> for (split('',$$token)) { #DBG> $tok.= (ord($_) < 32 or ord($_) > 126) #DBG> ? sprintf('<%02X>',ord($_)) #DBG> : $_; #DBG> } #DBG> $tok.='<'; #DBG> }; $$errstatus=0; $$nberror=0; ($$token,$$value)=(undef,undef); @$stack=( [ 0, undef ] ); $$check=''; while(1) { my($actions,$act,$stateno); $stateno=$$stack[-1][0]; $actions=$$states[$stateno]; #DBG> print STDERR ('-' x 40),"\n"; #DBG> $debug & 0x2 #DBG> and print STDERR "In state $stateno:\n"; #DBG> $debug & 0x08 #DBG> and print STDERR "Stack:[". #DBG> join(',',map { $$_[0] } @$stack). #DBG> "]\n"; if (exists($$actions{ACTIONS})) { defined($$token) or do { ($$token,$$value)=&$lex($self); #DBG> $debug & 0x01 #DBG> and print STDERR "Need token. Got ".&$ShowCurToken."\n"; }; $act= exists($$actions{ACTIONS}{$$token}) ? $$actions{ACTIONS}{$$token} : exists($$actions{DEFAULT}) ? $$actions{DEFAULT} : undef; } else { $act=$$actions{DEFAULT}; #DBG> $debug & 0x01 #DBG> and print STDERR "Don't need token.\n"; } defined($act) and do { $act > 0 and do { #shift #DBG> $debug & 0x04 #DBG> and print STDERR "Shift and go to state $act.\n"; $$errstatus and do { --$$errstatus; #DBG> $debug & 0x10 #DBG> and $dbgerror #DBG> and $$errstatus == 0 #DBG> and do { #DBG> print STDERR "**End of Error recovery.\n"; #DBG> $dbgerror=0; #DBG> }; }; push(@$stack,[ $act, $$value ]); $$token ne '' #Don't eat the eof and $$token=$$value=undef; next; }; #reduce my($lhs,$len,$code,@sempar,$semval); ($lhs,$len,$code)=@{$$rules[-$act]}; #DBG> $debug & 0x04 #DBG> and $act #DBG> and print STDERR "Reduce using rule ".-$act." ($lhs,$len): "; $act or $self->YYAccept(); $$dotpos=$len; unpack('A1',$lhs) eq '@' #In line rule and do { $lhs =~ /^\@[0-9]+\-([0-9]+)$/ or die "In line rule name '$lhs' ill formed: ". "report it as a BUG.\n"; $$dotpos = $1; }; @sempar = $$dotpos ? map { $$_[1] } @$stack[ -$$dotpos .. -1 ] : (); $semval = $code ? &$code( $self, @sempar ) : @sempar ? $sempar[0] : undef; splice(@$stack,-$len,$len); $$check eq 'ACCEPT' and do { #DBG> $debug & 0x04 #DBG> and print STDERR "Accept.\n"; return($semval); }; $$check eq 'ABORT' and do { #DBG> $debug & 0x04 #DBG> and print STDERR "Abort.\n"; return(undef); }; #DBG> $debug & 0x04 #DBG> and print STDERR "Back to state $$stack[-1][0], then "; $$check eq 'ERROR' or do { #DBG> $debug & 0x04 #DBG> and print STDERR #DBG> "go to state $$states[$$stack[-1][0]]{GOTOS}{$lhs}.\n"; #DBG> $debug & 0x10 #DBG> and $dbgerror #DBG> and $$errstatus == 0 #DBG> and do { #DBG> print STDERR "**End of Error recovery.\n"; #DBG> $dbgerror=0; #DBG> }; push(@$stack, [ $$states[$$stack[-1][0]]{GOTOS}{$lhs}, $semval ]); $$check=''; next; }; #DBG> $debug & 0x04 #DBG> and print STDERR "Forced Error recovery.\n"; $$check=''; }; #Error $$errstatus or do { $$errstatus = 1; &$error($self); $$errstatus # if 0, then YYErrok has been called or next; # so continue parsing #DBG> $debug & 0x10 #DBG> and do { #DBG> print STDERR "**Entering Error recovery.\n"; #DBG> ++$dbgerror; #DBG> }; ++$$nberror; }; $$errstatus == 3 #The next token is not valid: discard it and do { $$token eq '' # End of input: no hope and do { #DBG> $debug & 0x10 #DBG> and print STDERR "**At eof: aborting.\n"; return(undef); }; #DBG> $debug & 0x10 #DBG> and print STDERR "**Dicard invalid token ".&$ShowCurToken.".\n"; $$token=$$value=undef; }; $$errstatus=3; while( @$stack and ( not exists($$states[$$stack[-1][0]]{ACTIONS}) or not exists($$states[$$stack[-1][0]]{ACTIONS}{error}) or $$states[$$stack[-1][0]]{ACTIONS}{error} <= 0)) { #DBG> $debug & 0x10 #DBG> and print STDERR "**Pop state $$stack[-1][0].\n"; pop(@$stack); } @$stack or do { #DBG> $debug & 0x10 #DBG> and print STDERR "**No state left on stack: aborting.\n"; return(undef); }; #shift the error token #DBG> $debug & 0x10 #DBG> and print STDERR "**Shift \$error token and go to state ". #DBG> $$states[$$stack[-1][0]]{ACTIONS}{error}. #DBG> ".\n"; push(@$stack, [ $$states[$$stack[-1][0]]{ACTIONS}{error}, undef ]); } #never reached croak("Error in driver logic. Please, report it as a BUG"); }#_Parse #DO NOT remove comment 1; } #End of include-------------------------------------------------- #line 31 "JSONNospace.yp" use Encode; sub new { my($class)=shift; ref($class) and $class=ref($class); my($self)=$class->SUPER::new( yyversion => '1.05', yystates => [ {#State 0 ACTIONS => { 'TRUE' => 1, 'FALSE' => 10, 'CURLYOPEN' => 2, 'SQUAREOPEN' => 11, 'QUOTE' => 3 }, GOTOS => { 'boolean' => 8, 'array' => 7, 'hash' => 6, 'basicstream' => 5, 'quotestring' => 9, 'basictype' => 4 } }, {#State 1 DEFAULT => -7 }, {#State 2 ACTIONS => { 'CURLYCLOSE' => 14, 'QUOTE' => 3 }, GOTOS => { 'quotestring' => 15, 'kvstream' => 12, 'kvpair' => 13 } }, {#State 3 ACTIONS => { 'INTEGER' => 24, 'SIMPLECHAR' => 23, 'TRUE' => 16, 'NULL' => 17, 'COLON' => 18, 'COMMA' => 26, 'BACKSLASH' => 25, 'QUOTE' => 27, 'SINGLEQUOTE' => 28, 'FALSE' => 20, 'SQUARECLOSE' => 30, 'SQUAREOPEN' => 33, 'U' => 32, 'QUOTEDNORMAL' => 31, 'QUADHEX' => 21 }, GOTOS => { 'charstream' => 22, 'char' => 29, 'escapedchar' => 19 } }, {#State 4 DEFAULT => -1 }, {#State 5 ACTIONS => { '' => 34, 'COMMA' => 35 } }, {#State 6 DEFAULT => -3 }, {#State 7 DEFAULT => -4 }, {#State 8 DEFAULT => -6 }, {#State 9 DEFAULT => -5 }, {#State 10 DEFAULT => -8 }, {#State 11 ACTIONS => { 'TRUE' => 1, 'FALSE' => 10, 'SQUARECLOSE' => 37, 'CURLYOPEN' => 2, 'SQUAREOPEN' => 11, 'QUOTE' => 3 }, GOTOS => { 'basicstream' => 36, 'hash' => 6, 'array' => 7, 'boolean' => 8, 'quotestring' => 9, 'basictype' => 4 } }, {#State 12 ACTIONS => { 'CURLYCLOSE' => 38, 'COMMA' => 39 } }, {#State 13 DEFAULT => -13 }, {#State 14 DEFAULT => -11 }, {#State 15 ACTIONS => { 'COLON' => 40 } }, {#State 16 DEFAULT => -43 }, {#State 17 DEFAULT => -45 }, {#State 18 DEFAULT => -40 }, {#State 19 DEFAULT => -48 }, {#State 20 DEFAULT => -44 }, {#State 21 DEFAULT => -37 }, {#State 22 ACTIONS => { 'SIMPLECHAR' => 23, 'INTEGER' => 24, 'TRUE' => 16, 'NULL' => 17, 'COLON' => 18, 'BACKSLASH' => 25, 'COMMA' => 26, 'QUOTE' => 41, 'SINGLEQUOTE' => 28, 'FALSE' => 20, 'SQUARECLOSE' => 30, 'QUOTEDNORMAL' => 31, 'U' => 32, 'SQUAREOPEN' => 33, 'QUADHEX' => 21 }, GOTOS => { 'char' => 42, 'escapedchar' => 19 } }, {#State 23 DEFAULT => -38 }, {#State 24 DEFAULT => -39 }, {#State 25 ACTIONS => { 'BACKSLASH' => 47, 'CURLYOPEN' => 44, 'SLASH' => 43, 'QUOTE' => 48, 'CURLYCLOSE' => 45, 'SINGLEQUOTE' => 49, 'SQUARECLOSE' => 50, 'SQUAREOPEN' => 52, 'QUADHEX' => 46, 'QUOTEDNORMAL' => 51 } }, {#State 26 DEFAULT => -41 }, {#State 27 DEFAULT => -21 }, {#State 28 DEFAULT => -42 }, {#State 29 DEFAULT => -23 }, {#State 30 DEFAULT => -47 }, {#State 31 DEFAULT => -35 }, {#State 32 DEFAULT => -36 }, {#State 33 DEFAULT => -46 }, {#State 34 DEFAULT => 0 }, {#State 35 ACTIONS => { 'TRUE' => 1, 'FALSE' => 10, 'CURLYOPEN' => 2, 'SQUAREOPEN' => 11, 'QUOTE' => 3 }, GOTOS => { 'hash' => 6, 'array' => 7, 'boolean' => 8, 'quotestring' => 9, 'basictype' => 53 } }, {#State 36 ACTIONS => { 'SQUARECLOSE' => 54, 'COMMA' => 35 } }, {#State 37 DEFAULT => -9 }, {#State 38 DEFAULT => -12 }, {#State 39 ACTIONS => { 'QUOTE' => 3 }, GOTOS => { 'quotestring' => 15, 'kvpair' => 55 } }, {#State 40 ACTIONS => { 'INTEGER' => 59, 'TRUE' => 1, 'NULL' => 56, 'FALSE' => 10, 'CURLYOPEN' => 2, 'SQUAREOPEN' => 11, 'QUOTE' => 3 }, GOTOS => { 'hash' => 60, 'array' => 58, 'boolean' => 57, 'quotestring' => 61 } }, {#State 41 DEFAULT => -22 }, {#State 42 DEFAULT => -24 }, {#State 43 DEFAULT => -31 }, {#State 44 DEFAULT => -25 }, {#State 45 DEFAULT => -26 }, {#State 46 DEFAULT => -33 }, {#State 47 DEFAULT => -32 }, {#State 48 DEFAULT => -29 }, {#State 49 DEFAULT => -30 }, {#State 50 DEFAULT => -28 }, {#State 51 DEFAULT => -34 }, {#State 52 DEFAULT => -27 }, {#State 53 DEFAULT => -2 }, {#State 54 DEFAULT => -10 }, {#State 55 DEFAULT => -14 }, {#State 56 DEFAULT => -19 }, {#State 57 DEFAULT => -18 }, {#State 58 DEFAULT => -17 }, {#State 59 DEFAULT => -20 }, {#State 60 DEFAULT => -16 }, {#State 61 DEFAULT => -15 } ], yyrules => [ [#Rule 0 '$start', 2, undef ], [#Rule 1 'basicstream', 1, sub #line 37 "JSONNospace.yp" { return [ $_[1] ] } ], [#Rule 2 'basicstream', 3, sub #line 38 "JSONNospace.yp" { return [ @{$_[1]}, $_[3] ] } ], [#Rule 3 'basictype', 1, undef ], [#Rule 4 'basictype', 1, undef ], [#Rule 5 'basictype', 1, undef ], [#Rule 6 'basictype', 1, undef ], [#Rule 7 'boolean', 1, sub #line 47 "JSONNospace.yp" { return 1 } ], [#Rule 8 'boolean', 1, sub #line 48 "JSONNospace.yp" { return 0 } ], [#Rule 9 'array', 2, sub #line 51 "JSONNospace.yp" { return [] } ], [#Rule 10 'array', 3, sub #line 52 "JSONNospace.yp" { return [ @{$_[2]} ] } ], [#Rule 11 'hash', 2, sub #line 55 "JSONNospace.yp" { return { } } ], [#Rule 12 'hash', 3, sub #line 56 "JSONNospace.yp" { return { @{$_[2]} } } ], [#Rule 13 'kvstream', 1, undef ], [#Rule 14 'kvstream', 3, sub #line 60 "JSONNospace.yp" { return [ @{$_[1]}, @{$_[3]} ] } ], [#Rule 15 'kvpair', 3, sub #line 63 "JSONNospace.yp" { return [ $_[1], $_[3] ] } ], [#Rule 16 'kvpair', 3, sub #line 64 "JSONNospace.yp" { return [ $_[1], $_[3] ] } ], [#Rule 17 'kvpair', 3, sub #line 65 "JSONNospace.yp" { return [ $_[1], $_[3] ] } ], [#Rule 18 'kvpair', 3, sub #line 66 "JSONNospace.yp" { return [ $_[1], $_[3] ] } ], [#Rule 19 'kvpair', 3, sub #line 67 "JSONNospace.yp" { return [ $_[1], undef ] } ], [#Rule 20 'kvpair', 3, sub #line 68 "JSONNospace.yp" { return [ $_[1], $_[3] ] } ], [#Rule 21 'quotestring', 2, sub #line 71 "JSONNospace.yp" { return "" } ], [#Rule 22 'quotestring', 3, sub #line 72 "JSONNospace.yp" { return $_[2] } ], [#Rule 23 'charstream', 1, undef ], [#Rule 24 'charstream', 2, sub #line 76 "JSONNospace.yp" { return $_[1] . $_[2] } ], [#Rule 25 'escapedchar', 2, sub #line 79 "JSONNospace.yp" { return $_[2] } ], [#Rule 26 'escapedchar', 2, sub #line 80 "JSONNospace.yp" { return $_[2] } ], [#Rule 27 'escapedchar', 2, sub #line 81 "JSONNospace.yp" { return $_[2] } ], [#Rule 28 'escapedchar', 2, sub #line 82 "JSONNospace.yp" { return $_[2] } ], [#Rule 29 'escapedchar', 2, sub #line 83 "JSONNospace.yp" { return $_[2] } ], [#Rule 30 'escapedchar', 2, sub #line 84 "JSONNospace.yp" { return $_[2] } ], [#Rule 31 'escapedchar', 2, sub #line 85 "JSONNospace.yp" { return $_[2] } ], [#Rule 32 'escapedchar', 2, sub #line 86 "JSONNospace.yp" { return $_[2] } ], [#Rule 33 'escapedchar', 2, sub #line 87 "JSONNospace.yp" { return encode("utf8", pack("U", hex(substr($_[2],1)))) } ], [#Rule 34 'escapedchar', 2, sub #line 88 "JSONNospace.yp" { if ($_[2] eq 'n') { return "\n"; } elsif ($_[2] eq 'r') { return "\r"; } else { return $_[2]; }} ], [#Rule 35 'char', 1, undef ], [#Rule 36 'char', 1, undef ], [#Rule 37 'char', 1, undef ], [#Rule 38 'char', 1, undef ], [#Rule 39 'char', 1, undef ], [#Rule 40 'char', 1, undef ], [#Rule 41 'char', 1, undef ], [#Rule 42 'char', 1, undef ], [#Rule 43 'char', 1, undef ], [#Rule 44 'char', 1, undef ], [#Rule 45 'char', 1, undef ], [#Rule 46 'char', 1, undef ], [#Rule 47 'char', 1, undef ], [#Rule 48 'char', 1, undef ] ], @_); bless($self,$class); } #line 113 "JSONNospace.yp" 1;