# (c) 2007 by Ralf Ertzinger # licensed under GNU GPL v2 # # Grabber for youtube.com/de/... # # download strategy revised using # http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=41456 package videosite::YouTubeGrabber; use videosite::GrabberBase; @ISA = qw(videosite::GrabberBase); use HTML::TokeParser; use HTML::Entities qw(decode_entities); use Encode; use Data::Dumper; use videosite::JSArrayParser; use strict; my %preflist = ( 'insane' => [38, 37, 22, 35, 18, 34, 6, 5, 43], 'hd' => [37, 22, 35, 18, 34, 6, 5, 38, 43], 'h264' => [18, 34, 37, 22, 35, 6, 5, 38, 43], 'high' => [34, 35, 18, 37, 22, 6, 5, 38, 43], 'normal' => [6, 5, 34, 35, 18, 22, 37, 38, 43]); my %videoformats = ( # Container/Video codec/Audio codec/Resolution 5 => 'FLV/Sorenson/MP3/240p', 6 => 'FLV/Sorenson/MP3/270p', 13 => '3GP/MPEG4-Visual/144p', # 0.5MBit 17 => '3GP/MPEG4-Visual/144p', # 2MBit 18 => 'MP4/H264/AAC/360p', # isommp42, Baseline 22 => 'MP4/H264/AAC/720p', # isommp42, High 34 => 'FLV/H264/AAC/360p', # Main 35 => 'FLV/H264/AAC/480p', # Main 36 => '3GP/MPEG4-Visual/240p', 37 => 'MP4/H264/AAC/1080p', # High 38 => 'MP4/H264/AAC/3072p', # High 43 => 'WebM/VP8/Vorbis/360p', 44 => 'WebM/VP8/Vorbis/480p', 45 => 'WebM/VP8/Vorbis/720p', 46 => 'WebM/VP8/Vorbis/1080p/3D', # effective 540p 82 => 'MP4/H264/AAC/360p/3D', # isomavc1mp42 83 => 'MP4/H264/AAC/240p/3D', # isomavc1mp42 84 => 'MP4/H264/AAC/720p/3D', # isomavc1mp42 85 => 'MP4/H264/AAC/1080p/3D', # isomavc1mp42, effective 540p 100 => 'WebM/VP8/Vorbis/360p/3D', 101 => 'WebM/VP8/Vorbis/480p/3D', 102 => 'WebM/VP8/Vorbis/720p/3D', ); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( NAME => 'youtube', _SELFTESTURL => 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMH0bHeiRNg', _SELFTESTTITLE => 'Evolution of Dance - By Judson Laipply', PATTERNS => ['(https?://(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+\.)*youtube\.(?:com|de|co.uk)/watch(?:_popup)?\?.*?v=([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+))', '(https?://(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+\.)*youtube\.(?:com|de|co.uk)/watch\#\!v=([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+))', '(https?://(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+\.)*youtube\.(?:com|de|co.uk)/v/([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+))', '(https?://(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+\.)*youtube\.(?:com|de|co.uk)/embed/([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+))', '(https?://(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+\.)*youtube\.(?:com|de|co.uk)/user/[[:alnum:]]+\?v=([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+))', '(https?://(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+\.)*youtube\.(?:com|de|co.uk)/(?:user/)?[[:alnum:]]+#p/(?:\w+/)+\d+/([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+))', '(https?://(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+\.)*youtu\.be/watch\?v=([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+))', '(https?://(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+\.)*youtu\.be/([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+))', '(https?://(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+\.)*youtube\.(?:com|de|co.uk)/user/\w+\?.*/([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+))'], _PARAMS => { QUALITY => ['normal', 'Quality of the video to download.', { normal => 'standard resolution flash video', high => 'higher resolution flash video', h264 => 'high resolution MPEG4 video', hd => 'HD720 resolution'}], USERNAME => ['', 'Username to use for YouTube login'], PASSWORD => ['', 'Password to use for YouTube login'], HTTPS => [1, 'Whether to use HTTPS (if available) to connect to YouTube'] }, @_, ); return bless($self, $class); } sub _parse { my $self = shift; my $url = shift; my $pattern = shift; my $id; my $res; $url =~ m|$pattern|; $url = $1; $id = $2; $self->debug("Matched id %s from pattern %s", $id, $pattern); $res = $self->_parse_by_video_info($url, $id); if (defined($res) && ref($res)) { return $res; } else { $res = $self->_parse_by_scrape($url, $id); } return $res; } sub _parse_by_video_info { my $self = shift; my $url = shift; my $id = shift; my $quality = $self->_getval('QUALITY'); my $metadata; my $videourl; my $ua = $self->ua(); my $preflist; my $r; my $content; my $urls; $metadata->{'URL'} = $url; $metadata->{'ID'} = $id; $metadata->{'TYPE'} = 'video'; $metadata->{'SOURCE'} = $self->{'NAME'}; $metadata->{'TITLE'} = undef; $metadata->{'DLURL'} = undef; $preflist = $preflist{$quality}; $self->debug("Quality: %s, preflist: [%s]", $quality, join(", ", @{$preflist})); $videourl = sprintf('%s://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?video_id=%s&eurl=%s', $self->_getval('HTTPS')?'https':'http', $id, 'http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eyoutube%2Ecom%2F'); $self->debug("Video info URL: %s", $videourl); $r = $ua->get($videourl); unless($r->is_success()) { $self->debug('Could not download %s: %s', $videourl, $r->code()); return undef; } $content = $r->content(); $self->debug('Content from get_video_info: %s', $content); # Decode content $content = $self->decode_querystring($content); if ($content->{'status'} ne 'ok') { $self->debug("Non OK status code found: %s", $content->{'status'}); return undef; } if (exists($content->{'fmt_url_map'})) { # Decode fmt_url_map $urls = $self->decode_hexurl($content->{'fmt_url_map'}); $urls = { split /[\|,]/, $urls }; } elsif (exists($content->{'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'})) { $urls = $self->_decode_url_encoded_fmt_stream_map($content->{'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'}, 1); } else { $self->debug("No URL data found"); return undef; } unless(exists($content->{'title'})) { $self->debug("No title found"); return undef; } $self->__pick_url($urls, $preflist, $metadata); $metadata->{'TITLE'} = $content->{'title'}; $metadata->{'TITLE'} =~ s/\+/ /g; $metadata->{'TITLE'} = $self->decode_hexurl($metadata->{'TITLE'}); $metadata->{'TITLE'} = decode("utf8", $metadata->{'TITLE'}); $self->debug('Title found: %s', $metadata->{'TITLE'}); unless(defined($metadata->{'DLURL'}) && defined($metadata->{'TITLE'})) { $self->error('Could not determine download URL'); return undef; } return $metadata; } sub _parse_by_scrape { my $self = shift; my $url = shift; my $id = shift; my $content; my $metadata = {}; my $p; my $e; my $tag; my $ua = $self->ua(); my $r; my $videourl; my $quality = $self->_getval('QUALITY'); my $preflist; my $jsp; $metadata->{'URL'} = $url; $metadata->{'ID'} = $id; $metadata->{'TYPE'} = 'video'; $metadata->{'SOURCE'} = $self->{'NAME'}; $metadata->{'TITLE'} = undef; $metadata->{'DLURL'} = undef; $preflist = $preflist{$quality}; $self->debug("Quality: %s, preflist: [%s]", $quality, join(", ", @{$preflist})); $videourl = sprintf('%s://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s', $self->_getval('HTTPS')?'https':'http', $id); unless(defined($r = $ua->get($videourl))) { $self->error('Could not download %s', $url); return undef; } if ($r->base->as_string() =~ m,/verify_age,) { $self->debug('Video requires age verification'); my @logindata = $self->__login($videourl, $ua); $r = $logindata[0]; unless(defined($r)) { $self->error('Could not log into YouTube'); return undef; } } $content = $r->content(); $p = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$content); SWF_ARGS: while ($tag = $p->get_tag('div', 'meta', 'script')) { if ('meta' eq $tag->[0]) { if (exists($tag->[1]->{'name'}) and ('title' eq $tag->[1]->{'name'})) { $metadata->{'TITLE'} = $tag->[1]->{'content'}; # Convert HTML entities in the title. This is a bit convoluted. $metadata->{'TITLE'} = decode_entities( decode("utf8", $metadata->{'TITLE'})); $self->debug('Title found: %s', $metadata->{'TITLE'}); } } elsif ('script' eq $tag->[0]) { my %urls; $e = $p->get_text(); $self->debug("Found script: %s", $e); if ($e =~ m|ytplayer\.config\s*=\s*(.+);$|) { my $args = $1; $self->debug("Found PLAYER_CONFIG: %s", $args); $jsp = videosite::JSArrayParser->new(); $self->debug("Using %s to parse", ref($jsp)); $r = $jsp->parse($args); unless(defined($r)) { $self->error("Found information hash, but could not parse"); return undef; } if (exists($r->{'args'}) and exists($r->{'args'}->{'ps'}) and ($r->{'args'}->{'ps'} eq 'live')) { $self->error("Video URL seems to point to a live stream, cannot save this"); return undef; } if (exists($r->{'args'}) and exists($r->{'args'}->{'fmt_url_map'}) and ($r->{'args'}->{'fmt_url_map'} ne '')) { my $urls = $r->{'args'}->{'fmt_url_map'}; $self->debug("Video has fmt_url_map: %s", $urls); %urls = split(/[\|,]/, $urls); foreach (keys(%urls)) { $urls{$_} = $self->decode_hexurl($urls{$_}); } $self->debug("Pagetype: 2011 (PLAYER_CONFIG), fmt_url_map"); } elsif (exists($r->{'args'}) and exists($r->{'args'}->{'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'}) and ($r->{'args'}->{'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'} ne '')) { %urls = %{$self->_decode_url_encoded_fmt_stream_map($r->{'args'}->{'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'}, 0)}; $self->debug("Pagetype: 2011 (PLAYER_CONFIG), url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"); } else { $self->error('fmt_url_map not found in PLAYER_CONFIG'); return undef; } } elsif ($e =~ m|yt\.playerConfig\s*=\s*(.+);\n|) { my $args = $1; $self->debug("Found yt.playerConfig: %s", $args); $jsp = videosite::JSArrayParser->new(); $self->debug("Using %s to parse", ref($jsp)); $r = $jsp->parse($args); unless(defined($r)) { $self->error("Found information hash, but could not parse"); return undef; } if (exists($r->{'args'}) and exists($r->{'args'}->{'ps'}) and ($r->{'args'}->{'ps'} eq 'live')) { $self->error("Video URL seems to point to a live stream, cannot save this"); return undef; } if (exists($r->{'args'}) and exists($r->{'args'}->{'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'}) and ($r->{'args'}->{'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'} ne '')) { %urls = %{$self->_decode_url_encoded_fmt_stream_map($r->{'args'}->{'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'}, 0)}; $self->debug("Pagetype: 2012 (yt.playerConfig), url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"); } else { $self->error('url_map not found in yt.playerConfig'); return undef; } } if (%urls) { $self->__pick_url(\%urls, $preflist, $metadata); last SWF_ARGS; } } elsif ('div' eq $tag->[0]) { if (exists($tag->[1]->{'id'}) and ('watch-player-unavailable-message-container' eq $tag->[1]->{'id'})) { # Search forward to the next
$tag = $p->get_tag('div'); $self->error("Could not get video data for youtube %s: %s", $metadata->{'ID'}, $p->get_trimmed_text()); return undef; } } } unless(defined($metadata->{'DLURL'}) && defined($metadata->{'TITLE'})) { $self->error('Could not determine download URL'); return undef; } return $metadata; } sub __login { my $self = shift; my $videourl = shift; my $ua = shift; my $user = $self->_getval('USERNAME'); my $pass = $self->_getval('PASSWORD'); my $r; my $p; my $c; my $token; sub check_cookie { my $jar = shift; my $key = shift; my $found = undef; $jar->scan(sub { $found = 1 if ( $key eq $_[1]) }); return $found; } sub get_all_cookies { my $jar = shift; my $key = shift; my $val = ""; $jar->scan(sub { $val .= "; " if !( $val eq "" ); $val .= "$_[1]=$_[2]" }); return $val; } if (($user eq '') or ($pass eq '')) { $self->error('No username or password defined for YouTube'); return undef; } $self->debug('Logging in'); $r = $ua->get('https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth?service=youtube'); unless($r->is_success()) { $self->debug("Could not get login page (make sure your LWP supports HTTPS!)"); return undef; } $c = $r->decoded_content(); $p = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$c); while (my $tag = $p->get_tag('input')) { $self->debug("%s", Dumper($tag)); if ($tag->[1]{name} eq 'GALX') { $token = $tag->[1]{value}; last; } } $self->debug("GALX = %s", $token); $r = $ua->post('https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth?service=youtube', { 'service' => 'youtube', 'Email' => $user, 'Passwd' => $pass, 'GALX' => $token }); unless($r->is_success()) { $self->debug("Could not get login page (make sure your LWP supports HTTPS!)"); return undef; } $c = $r -> decoded_content(); $p = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$c); while (my $tag = $p->get_tag('script')) { if($p->get_text() =~ /location\.replace\("(.+)"\)/) { $token = $1; $token =~ s/\\x([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})/pack('C', hex($1))/seg; last; } } $r = $ua->get($token); unless(check_cookie($ua->cookie_jar, 'LOGIN_INFO')) { $self->error('Could not log into YouTube'); return undef; } $self->debug("Got a cookie"); $r = $ua->get($videourl); if ($r->base->as_string() =~ m,/verify_age,) { $self->debug("Looking for session token..."); $c = $r->decoded_content(); $p = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$c); while (my $tag = $p->get_tag('script')) { if ($p->get_text() =~ /'XSRF_TOKEN': '(.+)'/) { $token = $1; last; } } unless(defined($token)) { $self->error("Could not find session token"); return undef; } $self->debug('Authenticating session...'); $r = $ua->post($r->base->as_string, { 'next_url' => $r->base->path, 'action_confirm' => 'Confirm Birth Date', 'session_token' => $token }); } # Apparently there is no longer a specific "is_adult" cookie # or, by the looks of it, anything similar # # unless(check_cookie($ua->cookie_jar, 'is_adult')) { # $self->error('Could not authenticate session'); # return undef; # } my $cookie = get_all_cookies($ua->cookie_jar); return ($ua->get($videourl), $cookie); } # Take an encoded url_encoded_fmt_stream_map and return a hash # matching video IDs to download URLs sub _decode_url_encoded_fmt_stream_map { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $dataencoded = shift; my @data; my $h = {}; $data = $self->decode_hexurl($data) if $dataencoded; # This will # - Split the decoded string into segments (along ,) # - Interpret each segment as a concatenated key-value list (key and value separated by =, pairs separated by & # - URL-decode each key and value _again_ # # @data will be an array of hash references @data = map { { map { $self->decode_hexurl($_) } split /[&=]/ } } split /,/, $data; $self->debug("_decode_url_encoded_fmt_stream_map() decoded %s", Dumper(\@data)); # From each array entry, pick the itag and the url values and return that # as a hash reference foreach (@data) { if (exists($_->{'sig'})) { $h->{$_->{'itag'}} = sprintf('%s&signature=%s', $_->{'url'}, $_->{'sig'}); } else { $h->{$_->{'itag'}} = $_->{'url'}; } } return $h; } sub __pick_url { my $self = shift; my $urls = shift; my $preflist = shift; my $metadata = shift; foreach (keys(%{$urls})) { if (exists($videoformats{$_})) { $self->debug('Found URL for format %s (%s): %s', $_, $videoformats{$_}, $urls->{$_}); } else { $self->error('Unknown format %s: %s', $_, $urls->{$_}); } } foreach (@{$preflist}) { if (exists($urls->{$_})) { $self->debug("Selected URL with quality level %s", $_); $metadata->{'DLURL'} = $urls->{$_}; if (exists($videoformats{$_})) { $metadata->{'FORMAT'} = $videoformats{$_}; } else { $metadata->{'FORMAT'} = 'unknown'; } last; } } $self->debug('URL found: %s', $metadata->{'DLURL'}); } 1;